Flash ahead again to March 27 - one week after I first met with Petr and Laterna Magika.
I went that morning to the backstage door, where the receptionist who spoke no English thankfully had been informed that the girl who spoke no Czech would be arriving and should be shown upstairs.
The woman who was helping to show me around while I was there was actually French - now, I haven't taken French since grade nine, but I certainly understand it a lot better than I do Czech. I was actually surprised with how much I did understand of what she was saying to me! When it came time for me to communicate, however, I didn't do so well - but we managed!
Anyway, I spent the morning watching the company's ballet class and rehearsal for that evening's show - "Graffiti". Things finished there around 2:00, which is when I went off to explore the Easter market you've already seen, and I came back to the theatre again for 7:30 to watch the evening's performance.
"Graffiti" was very cool, and completely different from last week's "Rendez-vous" - this time, about human relationships of all shapes and forms. It was interesting to see the performance after having seen the rehearsals beforehand - they had been rehearsing with the music, of course, but without costumes or projections, so it was nice to see it all come together.
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